Favorite Meatloaf I grew up on

Favorite Meatloaf I grew up on

1 lb ground beef or bison
 8 oz. tomato sauce
1 tsp salt
1 tsp spicy mustard
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
3/4 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup milk
1/2 cup finely chopped onion [or 1 tablespoon dried minced, or 1 tsp onion powder]
1 egg
2 tsp Worcestershire 

Mix everything together in a medium bowl. Smoosh it all together with your hands. Go ahead, put them in there and squish, squish, squish some more!  You know you want to!! Then dump it into the greased pan and  pat-a-cake a nice little loaf lump out of it about 2 inches thick.

Bake in greased 9 inch pan, 400 degrees for 1 hr

My mom used to make a tasty gravy from the drippings by mixing together about 2 TB flour with about 1/2-1 cup water--depending on the amount of drippings and amount of gravy desired— and adding it slowly to the drippings while using whisk. Let simmer a few minutes until thickened. Salt and pepper to taste,  or add a bit of beef bouillon to fill out the flavor a bit if there are limited drippings.
 I never really have any drippings in the pan, so maybe it depends on the meat I use— [which is usually ground turkey in lieu of pork, and 96% lean ground chuck.] 
I really miss the gravy, maybe I need to stick with the original recipe next time I make it...

Why do I do this blog?

Well, because I like easy to make, flavorful dishes with a moderate fat count, and a wide variety of them. This blog is the perfect place to bring together all of my favorites for easy access to pull up to use when it's time to make dinner.